FirstBlood-#718 — Open redirect by logout.php
This issue was discovered on FirstBlood v2
On 2021-10-27, newrouge Level 3 reported:
Hey, i found that endpoint /drpanel/logou.php?ref= is still vulnerable to Open redirect.
Developer seemed to have made some fixes to stop redirect. But it's still vulnerable to open redirect with bypasses.
payloads like \/\/ are filtered unlike previous time, but /%09/
bypasses the filter.
Send this url
to victim and he will be redirected to
PS: This payload works fine on Chrome, Chromium, Brave and IE but *not on Firefox**
P4 Low
Endpoint: /drpanel/logout.php?ref=/%09/
Parameter: ?ref=
Payload: /%09/
FirstBlood ID: 18
Vulnerability Type: Open Redirect
The open redirect bug on logout.php was fixed but the code still failed to filter out certain characters such as
and thus the endpoint is still vulnerable to open redirect. This vulnerability only affects chrome.