FirstBlood-#1552 — Stored XSS in ambulance driver
This issue was discovered on FirstBlood v3
On 2022-12-11, pichik Level 4 reported:
Found that driver in ambulance is vulnerable to XSS.
As /api/manageambulances.php
endpoint is publicly editable attacker can use this to insert XSS in them.
There is no filtering in place so payload is simple as: <svg onload=alert(document.domain)>
Here is POST request:
PUT /api/manageambulances.php HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 138
"driver":"<svg onload=alert(document.domain)>",
XSS is triggered when user visit his appointment with affected ambulance.
ID of ambulance is possible to get from /api/ambulances.php?select=all
, which I reported before
I used <body onload=''>
for this demonstration.
Attacker can chain more vulnerabilities to insret XSS to ambulance drivers and steal cookies of doctors.
Apply html encoding for all user inputs
P2 High
Endpoint: /api/manageambulances.php
Parameter: driver
Payload: <svg onload=alert(document.domain)>
FirstBlood ID: 76
Vulnerability Type: Stored XSS
There is a stored XSS vulnerability on /ambulances.php via a malicious drivers name
FirstBlood ID: 73
Vulnerability Type: Stored XSS
The endpoint /api/manageambulances.php will respond to an unauthenticated PUT request which allows an attacker to modify the information