FirstBlood-#93 — XSS using ref Parameter
This issue was discovered on FirstBlood v1
On 2021-05-10, mava Level 2 reported:
Hi zseano,
I found a reflected XSS inside Firstblood.
This vulnerability allows an attacker to execute arbitrary Javascript code.
The parameter must be sanitized correctly.
Best regards,
P3 Medium
Endpoint: /register.php
Parameter: ref
Payload: 1%27AutoFocus/ContentEditable/OnFocusIn=_=confirm,_(1)//
FirstBlood ID: 4
Vulnerability Type: Reflective XSS
The parameter "ref" is vulnerable to XSS on register.php. The developer made use of htmlentities but this is inadequate as the HREF is wrapped in single quotes.
Creator & Administrator
Nice find ! :)